Monday, 1 February 2016


The 144Mhz RF Pallet has arrived, it's made by the Italian company ITB in Cisliano Milan, using the Freescale MRFE6VP5600H Mosfet. It's a bit on the expensive side but extremely well made. It measures only 110mmx50mm which is really small considering that it can produce 500/600 watts. A large heatsink is now needed to keep this small transistor cool. My initial thinking is 160x85x300mm hollow fin from ABL. This particular heatsink looks like it will give very good cooling from the information on its data sheet.

Next on the list of goodies winging their way towards me is the W6PQL Control Board and LPF along with a few other bits

ITALAB.IT                   144 RF Pallet

ABL Birmingham           Heatsink

W6PQL                       Control Board, LPF and many other amplifier bits and bobs

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